The third and final Cancon Policy conference on 25 January 2017 between 10.00 and 11.30 at the Permanent Representation of Finland to the European Union, Avenue de Cortenbergh 80, Brussels
Invitation only.
More information: Cancon WP 2 Dissemination,
9.30 Breakfast served
10.00 Welcome - Mr Pasi Mustonen, Health Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU
- Opening and Introduction - Ms. Satu Lipponen, Cancon Dissemination, Cancer Society of Finland
- Cancon main deliverables and their implementation - Dr. Tit Albreht, Cancon Coordination leader, Public Health Institute of Slovenia
- Member States voice heard in Cancon: policy papers - Dr. Giovanni Nicoletti, Cancon Member State Platform leader, Ministry of Health, Italy
- Discussion
- MAC MEP comments on Cancon - Mr Alojz Peterle, President of MEPs Against Cancer (MAC)
- Is media interested in joint actions? - Mr. Jens Degett, President, European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations
- Commission reflections on Cancon - Dr. Antoni Montserrat, Senior expert on Cancer and Rare Diseases, DG SANTE