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Some numbers on Cancon communication.

02 | Dissemination

Work package 2 engages Europeans

This work package engages European citizens - the public, stakeholders, networks and different partners.

A high level of engagement sets cancer control firmly on the European agenda and fosters networking across different fields of science.

Reciprocal communication is essential:

The European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control is the key document to be communicated. The different stakeholder groups working on the Guide are kept informed of the on-going work. When the Guide is finished, they will be given the Guide in digital or printed form.

To strengthen collaboration and extend outreach, the work package also organises network and annual policy initiative meetings with MEPs. The collaborating partner for both events is the Association of European Cancer Leagues, (ECL).

WP2 meetings

More information

The Cancer Society of Finland, CSF is the leader of the work package 2. For further information, contact Leena Vuorenmaa at [email protected] 

The associated partner involved in the work package: 


Strategies and templates

Cancon annual dissemination strategy (03/2016, pdf)
Template for National policy conference on Cancon
 (02/2016, pdf)
Cancon annual dissemination strategy (07/2015, pdf)
Cancon dissemination strategy (pdf) 

Cancon Twitter analysis 11/2015 - 04/2016 (05/2016, pdf)
Cancon Facebook analysis Oct '15 - Jan '16
 (02/2016, pdf)
Cancon Twitter analysis May - Oct 2015 (12/2015, pdf)
Cancon webpage analysis Sep, Oct (11/2015, pdf)
Cancon webpage analysis Jul, Aug (09/2015, pdf)
Cancon Twitter analysis Jul, Aug, Sep (10/2015, pdf)
Cancon Newsletter 6/2015 analysis (09/2015, pdf)
Cancon Facebook analysis (08/2015, pdf)
Network analysis 2015 (pdf) 
Network analysis 2014 (pdf)