
WP 9 Working Group Meeting on Colorectal Cancer Screening in Riga

Date: 25.05.2015 2015 to 26.05.2015 2015

WP 9 Working Group Meeting on Colorectal Cancer Screening in Riga.

Day 1,  25 May 2015

09:00  Opening  

Welcome. Mārcis Leja. (5 min.)
Welcome from the representative of Ministry of Health. (5 min.)
Introduction to cancer screening aims and outcome within CanCon. Ahti Anttila. (5 min.)

09.25  Relevant aspects for decision-making  in colorectal cancer screening

9.25-09.40 Nea Malila. Evidence base and criteria on benefits and harms of organized colorectal cancer screening programs (15+10 min.)

09.40-10.05 Isabelle Soerjomataram. Burden of colorectal cancer and expectation in Europe; how screening programs could affect it. (15+10 min.)

10.05-10.30 TDB. The role of public communication and social involvement. (15+10 min.)

10.30-11.00 Coffee break and Poster rounds

Poster reports on the status of CRC screening programs in the participating countries. Countries are requested to add budgeting information and quality assurance aspects (availability of system, budget) to the posters

11.00 Relevant aspects for decision-making  in colorectal cancer screening  (cont’d.)

11.00-11.25 Hans Petter Aarseth (tbc, Norway). Health care resources. (15+10 min.)

11.25-11.40 Iris Landsdorp-Vogelaar. Health-economic perspectives. (15+10 min.)

11.40-12.00 Nero Segan. How to ensure that one achieves the expected impact, discussion (5+15 min.)


13.00 Implementation of CRC screening

13.00-13.20 Patricia Villain (IARC). Implementation status of colorectal cancer screening programs in Europe.

13.20-15.00 Country presentations (15+5 min each)
Presentations by Steven Halloran (UK), Isabel Portillo-Villares (Basque country), Bohumil Seifert (Czech), Marcis Leja (Latvia), Bojan Tepes (Slovenia)

What is the current implementation status?
Resources in planning, feasibility testing, implementation
Mandate and actual resources for the screening management team

Legal framework
Organising services, incl. issues in

  • identification of target population
  • service delivery (integration with routine health care)
  • role of GPs

IT, monitoring (with key findings) and evaluation plans
Quality assurance (incl. resources in it)

15.00-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-15.45 Poster report (TBD)

17.45-16.45 Round table including all important stakeholders
How to make implementation successful?
Chair: Nereo Segnan
S.Halloran, Iris Landsdorp-Vogelaar, N.Malila, P.Villain, patient organization representatives

16.45-17.00 Conclusions: what should MS keep in mind when deciding to implement programs?

19.00 Working Dinner (Riga City Centre)

Day 2, 26 May 2015

09.00 Issues in quality-assured implementation of CRC screening (15 + 10)

9.00-9.25  Stephen Halloran.  Choice of the screening test (15 + 10 min.)

9.25-9.55 Roland Valori. How to implement quality assurance systems and data monitoring in colonoscopy (20 + 10 min.)

9.55-10.20. Bohumil Seifert. Role of primary practice physicians. (15+10 min.)

10.20-10.40 Bojan Tepes. Linking the resources (data bases) (15+5 min.)

10.40-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.00 Legal framework

11.00 -11.30 Hans Storm. Expectation in changes of EU regulations, relevance to screening and data linkage.


12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-14.50  Discussion on the outcomes of the meeting, planning the manuscript (N.Malila, M.Leja)

14.50 Conclusions and closing


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