
Meeting of MS and WP5 topic leaders and experts in Rome

Date: 17.11.2015 2015 to 18.11.2015 2015

Meeting of MS and WP5 topic leaders and experts at the Ministry of Health - Lungotevere Ripa, 1 – Rome, Italy 

Member state representatives of the Cancon joint action will meet on November 17-18 in Rome. WP5 policy papers' leaders and the external independent experts involved in the individual drafting groups of the 5 specific topics selected by the MS themselves as priorities for WP5.

The meeting foresees topic leaders to officially present the first drafts of the policy papers, in order to start discussion with the member states and to receive their inputs for subsequent progress in the drafting groups.

The Rome meeting is expected to be the key event of WP5 in 2015 and it will be a milestone in the path towards the adoption of the policy papers next year, when a more extensive discussion among MS will happen based on the final drafts prepared by the external experts.

More information: Member state platform (WP 5), Giovanni Nicoletti and Antonio Federici at the Italian Ministry of Health. 

The preliminary agenda:

DAY 1 November 17th 
13.00 Welcome & Introduction – Giovanni Nicoletti
13.15 Recall of methodologies and past activities Antonio Federici
13.30 A Public health genomics approach to “omics” in oncology
Key note speaker Marc Van den Bulcke (20 min)
Panelists : tbd (tot. 20 min)
14.10 Discussion
15.00 Common European objectives for National Cancer Control Plans
Key note speaker Tit Albreht (20 min)
Panelists : tbd (tot. 15 min)
15.35 Coffee break
15.45 Discussion
16.20 A system for assessing and promoting the disinvestment process for re-allocation
Key note speaker Roberto Grilli (20 min)
Panelists : Antonio Federici, tbd (tot. 10 min)
16.50 Discussion
17.20 Wrap Up of day 1 Marc Van den Bulcke, Tit Albreht, Giuseppe La Torre
17.30 Closing remarks Giovanni Nicoletti

DAY 2 - November 18th
9.00 Welcome & Introduction – Giovanni Nicoletti
9.30 An impact evaluation system to assess prevention outcomes
Key note speaker Giuseppe La Torre (20 min)
Panelists : tbd (tot. 10 min)
10.00 Discussion
10.30 Coffee break
10.45 Equity mainstreaming in the cancer control in Europe
Key note speaker Rosana Peirò (20 min)
Panelists : Francesco De Lorenzo, Teresa Spadea, tbd (tot. 20 min)
11.20 Discussion
12.00 Wrap Up of day 2 Roberto Grilli , Rosana Peirò
12.30 Future developments and time planning of WP5 Antonio Federici
12.45 Coordination with other WPs Marc Van den Bulcke, Tit Albreht
13.00 Closing remarks Giovanni Nicoletti




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