
Meeting of WP1, WP2 and WP3 in Bucharest

Date: 15.04.2016

Meeting of WP1, WP2 and WP3 in Ramada Plaza hotel in Bucharest, Romania on 15 of April. 

More information: 

Preliminary programme:

9.30 Beginning of meeting
9.35 Plan of remaining Cancon activities (Tina Lipušček, Tit Albreht)
10.00 Plan for dissemination of Cancon activities (Satu Lipponen)
10.30 Plan for ewvaluation of Cancon activities (tbc)
11.00 Organisation of Final conference in Malta – division of tasks and responsibilities with deadlines
11.30 Discussion – Dissemination of the Guide after Cancon
12.00 AOB
12.30 End of meeting


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