
WP 3 Workshop in Bucharest

Date: 14.04.2016

Cancon WP 3 Evaluation will hold a workshop in Ramada Plaza hotel in Bucharest, Romania. 

More information: WP 3 Evaluation, Florian Nicula at

Preliminary programme:

14.00-14.15 Welcome speech Dr. Florian Nicula (WP3 Leader)
14.15-15.15 Session I, Objective of the session: To present the findings of the First Interim Evaluation Report
14.15-14.30 Methodology used for evaluation (Dr. Marius Ungureanu – WP3 Member)
14.30-14.45 Main findings (Dr. Daniela Coza – WP3 Member)
14.45-15.15 Semi-structured discussion with WP Leaders based on the interview guide (1)
15.15-15.30 Coffee Break
15.30-17.00 Session II, Objectives of the session: (1) To assess the progress of WPs following the evaluation in 2015; (2) To initiate a discussion about impact evaluation and sustainability. 
15.30-16.30 Semi-structured discussion with WP Leaders based on the interview guide (2)
16.30-16.45 Brainstorming for impact evaluation & project sustainability
16.45-17.00 Closing remarks (Dr. Florian Nicula - WP3 Leader)

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