World Cancer Congress is organised between 31 October and 3 November 2016 at the Palais des congrès in Paris, France.
The joint action shares a stand with the ECL at the Global Village corner of the congress. The stand is number 2.
In addition to the stand, Cancon will be presented in different sessions at the congress:
- Tit Albreht will give a talk about the work of the WP 7 Community-level cancer care on national cancer care plans on 3 November. His title is Plans Cancer nationaux, comme outil essentiel des politiques anti- cancer ; tendances et développements dans l'Union Européenne. He will also present a poster on the work at the congress.
- Claudia Ferrari will present Cancon WP 8 Survivorship and rehabilitation in a session organised by the UICC on 3 November. The title is Cancon Work package 8: The future of survivorship in cancer plans,
- Sakari Karjalainen will give a talk on An effective governance to increase your impact and avoid conflicts of interest at the CEO's event on 3 November, and
- Francesco de Lorenzo of the ECPC will present Cancon at the Patient Group Pavilion on 2 November. The title is Cancon recommendation for a European Survivorship & Rehabilitation plan.