
National policy conference on Cancon in Finland

Date: 13.03.2017 13:00:00

Cancer Society of Finland will organise a National policy conference on Cancon with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland at the Ministry, Meritullinkatu, Helsinki. 

More information: 


13.00 Welcome! 
- Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki, Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland

13.15 Why to participate in Cancon and other joint actions on cancer?
- Sakari Karjalainen, General Secretary of the Cancer Society of Finland, leader of Cancon WP 2 Dissemination

13.30 How do Cancon recommendations influence screening in Finland?
- Ahti Anttila, Research Director of Mass Screening Registry of Finland, leader of Cancon WP 9 Screening 

13.45 How does the personal cancer survivorship care plan change the treatment of cancer patients?
- Liisa Pylkkänen, chief physician, Cancer Society of Finland

14.00 How does the Guide influence the national cancer policies in Finland?
- Jaakko Yrjö-Koskinen, Ministerial Counsellor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland

14.15 What changes the joint actions, international evaluations and comparisons bring into the cancer centres?
- Tuula Helander, Director-in-Office, FICAN South, Cancer Centre, Helsinki University Hospital

14.30 Discussion

14.50 Conclusions 
- Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki and Sakari Karjalainen


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