Cancon WP 5, Member state platform, has selected five main topics for the policy papers (PPs). The topics are: NCCPs (national cancer control plans), genomics, disinvestment (changed since to reallocation of resources to more effective performance read news on 2 of December), outcome of prevention, and inequalities in cancer control.
The policy papers are drafted in five groups. Each one is done with a coordinating country, respectively: Slovenia (NCCPs), Belgium (genomics), Italy (disinvestment and prevention) and Spain (inequalities)
WP 5 set up an open call for experts to contribute to the scientific process of drafting the policy papers. So far the following experts have been chosen:
The expert selection for the inequality topic is still on its way. Other experts will contribute to finalize PPs as reviewers.
The first drafts of the policy papers will be presented at the meeting of the Member States Representatives on November 17-18. An advanced version will be ready early in 2016 for an extensive discussion within the Platform.
More information about Member state platform from Giovanni Nicoletti at [email protected] or Antonio Federici at [email protected]
Some numbers on Cancon communication.
Cancon Extranet will be closed on 5 May.
One of the aims of the week is to promote the European code against cancer.
The latest newsletter was out last Friday.
Besides the Guide, chapters are available also as separate pdf's.
You can help us to disseminate the Guide and Policy papers.
The document summarizes joint action.
The newsletter was published yesterday.
The briefs serve as add-ons to the Policy papers, they do not replace the original papers.
The Guide has been republished as pdf.
The papers are besides the Guide the main outcomes of Cancon.
The new Tobacco Control Scale was launched 23 March at the 7th ECToH.
This and other topical news on Cancon were included in the latest newsletter.
Meeting on Cancon held at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
New photos available from the Final conference on Facebook.
The conference was held on February 9, 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia.
The Cancon Final conference was organized in Malta 14-15 February.
Press release 23 February 2017
Call for action to all Cancon partners.
The link to Cancon Extranet has been moved from the top navigation under Tools.
Since the Guide and Policy papers are available, the conferences are more topical.
The outcomes of Cancon were discussed in detail.
The meeting had also a big impact in the media.
The conference will gather EU and national policy makers, stakeholders and partners in Malta.
The Extranet will be closed in March/April, please save documents to your computer.
Press release 10 February 2017.
The Orkdal model and Cancon WP 7 presented in the Adjacent Government magazine.
ECToH will be this year 23-25 March in Porto, Portugal.
Cancon newsletter has updates on Cancon in a compressed form.
World Cancer Day is marked on February 4 each year.
The 2nd Policy conference was on 16 September 2016 and 3rd was on 25 January 2017.
Cancon recommendations need to be integrated in the strategic health endevaours of the Commission.
The conference was held on 19 January in Riga.
Minister of Health of Latvia Anda Cakša spoke in Cancon conference in Riga.
The conference will be on 19 January.
Together we can spread the word ensuring that the Cancon results have a lasting impact.
The last Cancon newsletter for 2016 is now out.
The Cancon Final conference will be in Malta 14-15 Feb 2017.
Three videos available on Cancon's YouTube channel.
Get ready, World Cancer Day is less than 50 days away.
Cancon WP 5 Member state platform has its final meeting from 14 - 15 December in Ispra, Italy.
The latest Cancon newsletter 9/2016 is now out.
The conference will take place from 14-15 February 2017.
Thank you for all visitors and participants!
By linking Cancon to your webpages we'll receive higher rankings in the Google search.
Presentations e.g. from WCC and EPH available online.
Tit Albreht writes on Cancon in the latest issue of OECI newsletter.
Cancon is presented in several sessions at the conference.
Cancon has a stand at the Global Village corner of the World Cancer Congress.
Claudia Ferrari will present the work of Cancon WP 8 at the WCC in Paris.
The latest Cancon newsletter is just out.
Cancon has a stand and the joint action is presented in several sessions.
Partners discussed e.g. the recommendations put forth by Cancon.
The meeting focused on the Guide and the Final conference on Malta.
The Guide is progressing according to schedule.
Implementation was discussed at the Cancon Policy conference in Rome.
Press release 16 September 2016.
ECPS is actively involved in Cancon.
Cancon conferences in Rome on 15 and 16 September.
The Guide coordination and Steering committees will meet on 8 and 9 September.
Also the names of the panelists have been updated to the programme.
It includes information e.g. on the results of the SCP survey, and other news.
The survey on the SCP was circulated to all partners involved in the Cancon WP 8.
The full agenda of Cancon Policy conference in Rome on 16 Sep available.
The second Cancon Policy conference will be on 16 September in Rome.
It includes information on e.g. Rome conferences in September.
Cancon conferences will be on 15 and 16 of September in Rome at the Italian Ministry of Health.
The current status of the joint action is good.
The associated partners will gather in Ljubljana at the end of this week to the joint action meeting.
The aim of the Cancon dissemination is good outreach, wide audiences and engagement.
Presentation as pdf and ppt files available at Tools.
Skinmama campaign is part of Cancon WP 7 Community-level cancer care.
Newsletter is published almost every month except for the holiday season.
Nordic cancer societies call for introduction of plain packaging in all Nordic countries.
This year the theme is plain packaging of tobacco products.
The pilot model is one of the tasks of the Cancon WP 6.
The week takes place at the end of May each year.
The latest issue of Parliament Magazine, published on 16 of May, presents Cancon.
The second year of Cancon run according to plan.
Satu Lipponen writes about Cancon in the latest issue of Adjacent Government magazine.
The amount of followers has grown steadily during past six months.
The newsletter has updates on Cancon in a compressed form, and you can subscribe it to your email.
One of the aims of the week is to promote the European code against cancer.
Cancon WP 6, Integrated cancer control, had meetings last week in Italy.
The plan was launched in Bucharest where several Cancon meetings are held 12-15 April.
Also the the Romanian National Cancer Control Plan will be launched.
Athanasia Kanli writes about Cancon on Eli Lilly's webpages.
The newsletter has updates on Cancon in a compressed form.
The policy papers are aimed at the decision makers in the governments and in the EU.
It includes biographies of all the contributing authors.
Meeting for Health Attachés in Brussels on 23 of February.
The conferences are meant for the member states.
Rosana Peiró coordinates the work.
Giuseppe La Torre coordinates the work.
Roberto Giuseppe Grilli coordinates the work.
Tit Albreht coordinates the work.
Forum held in Ljubljana on 22 January presenting Cancon and local activities in Slovenia.
Marc Van den Bulcke coordinates the work.
The conference was held with the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
The Cancon Dissemination team is introducing these policy papers.
World Cancer Day is marked each year on February 4.
Throughout the year the CSF will highlight the importance of voluntary work in its activities.
The final full year of Cancon is approaching.
Data is crucial for cancer research and #datasaveslives.
The Guide will be ready in September 2016.
The Guide chapter of WP 6 will focus on five core issues.
The MAC group celebrated its 10 years of collaboration.
Many cancer patients suffer from psychosocial disorders.
Policy papers need now feedback from the member states.
The winner of the logo design competition was unveiled at the ECL General assembly.
The Commissioner of Health and Food safety writes in his blog about Movember, prostate cancer and how Cancon is responding to such diseases.
Dr Karjalainen is leading Cancon work package 2 Dissemination.
Altogether 23 member states are involved in Cancon.
Reasons for this are a popular news item on breast cancer and Cancon was featured in the Health EU newsletter.
The amount of Cancon Twitter followers grew from July to September by approx. 20 %.
Red meat is also included in the European Code Against Cancer.
When 30 000 European women die of cervical cancer each year, it’s clear that the screening programmes are not good enough.
The topics are: NCCPs (national cancer control plans), genomics, disinvestment, outcome of prevention, and inequalities in cancer control.
The status and the budget of the joint action were discussed in the steering committee meeting held on 28 of September 2015.
Also underserved population have a specific focus in survivorship.
A multi-sectoral and multiprofessional collaboration is a must for Cancon to achieve effective results in society.
There are 10 facts that should be taken into account when planning the breast cancer screenings.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide and in Europe. How to reduce its burden?
The European Commission has published the supplements to the 2nd edition of the European guidelines for cervical cancer screening.
The Guide coordination (work package 4 of Cancon) held a workshop on Evidence-based policy recommendations in July.
Cancon newsletter is after email the second most preferred means of communication among the Cancon network.
A revised version of the European guide for quality national cancer control programmes including an Executive summary has been published and printed.
At the moment Cancon Facebook page has 106 fans (i.e. page likes).
The Member state platform (WP 5) of Cancon launches a call for experts in “Equity mainstreaming in the cancer control in Europe".
According to Maria Buchert, chronically ill people want to keep their expert's identity and participate in building the community.
The communication network of European cancer control experts has become more tightly connected and active compared with the previous year's results.
The first Cancon policy conference emphasised the importance of cancer registries and data collection.
Two user groups have been created to the Cancon extranet: general and administrator users.
CanCon Joint Action calls for policy dialogue.
Working group for colorectal cancer screening met in Riga, Latvia 25th -26th May.
The second Cancon stakeholder forum was held in Brussels on 12 May 2015 and was hosted by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
The first policy conference of Cancon was organised 13th May in Brussels, in Committee of the Regions premises. The conference created a lot of interest and the conference was fully booked.
Cancon had its second joint action meeting for all associated partners on 25 February 2015 in Brussels. The main focus of the meeting was preparing for the compilation of the first Interim report.
The first WP9 Coordination meeting was held on 5 November in Riga. It was hosted by professor Marcis Leja and the location was at the The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) which is supervised by the Ministry of Health of Latvia.
The communications team held its first meeting for its partners in Brussels, on 18 November. The meeting was well attended and gave a good perspective of activities. Cancon work packages presented their status of work.
The evaluation team needs to have e.g. full access to the documents.
At the moment there are 52 organisations and 20 member states involved in Cancon.
An active network of European cancer control experts already exists according to the network analysis.
Cancon extranet is meant for the associated and collaborating partners of Cancon.
Cancon brochure is now ready in digital and printable format.
The brochure describes Cancon and its objectives in a nutshell.
Leja hopes that Cancon will stimulate the decision makers to implement effective organised screening systems at national level.
The patient pathways for cancer patients shift more and more from the special health care to primary care.
According to Anttila, the biggest challenges of the cancer screening is the wide variation across EU.
Cooperation is needed for the dissemination and implementation of the outputs at the national level.
The meeting will be in Brussels.
May is a topical month for Europeans, also for cancer control.
Want to take part in Cancon? Read how you can do it.
New joint action improving cancer control Cancon launched.